

enjoy life while you can
In a world so cold, where sadness does reside,
I pen a poem, with tears that I can't hide.
The weight of despair, it burdens my soul,
As sorrow grips my heart, taking its toll.

Each word that's written, stained with endless pain,
Echoing the emptiness, invoking the rain.
A symphony of sorrow, a melancholic tune,
For in this realm of sadness, my spirit shall swoon.

The sun once bright, now dims in sorrow's haze,
As love's sweet songs, turn to mournful lays.
In shadows cast, memories they do fade,
Leaving only remnants, of the joy we once made.

Oh, tender hearts, how fragile they can be,
Crushed under the weight, of a love not meant to be.
I mourn the loss, of what could never last,
A broken dream, shattering the past.

The tears cascade, like a river in the night,
As shattered dreams, give way to endless plight.😍💘