

As far as a letter goes,
As far as a letter goes,
It was nondescript,
The message it carried was sinister

As far as a letter goes, plain and mild,
Its contents concealed, intentions reviled,
Nondescript facade, a mask it wears,
Yet harbors a secret, a plot it declares.

In ink, a riddle, sinister and sly,
Hidden 'neath words, a venomous lie,
Its message veiled in a cloak of deceit,
A treacherous tale, a dark, twisted feat.

No flourish or flourish, just paper and ink,
Yet within its folds, a plot starts to slink,
A tale of shadows, of darkness untamed,
Within its confines, a scheme is proclaimed.

So heed well this warning, to read with care,
For letters may hold more than they declare,
Beware the innocuous, watch with a wary eye,
For within the plainest, deceit may lie.
© Sanjay222