

While The Sun Shines

What thoughts colour yours today?
What goals will you achieve someday?
You spend your time dreaming of glory,
While your life waits aside for its own story;

What path are you standing?
What choice are you making?
Your all you give in consecration,
when your part is never in consideration;

What is your priceless pursuit?
What motivates your attribute?
In sitting you think of destiny,
When your soul you feed to gluttony;

What structure of the future do you picture?
What resolution do you make at every juncture?
You program, you ponder, you plan,
But in act, you confess not been a Superman;

A choice personal you are left to make,
Choosing Between archetype and fake
But from my heart to you I opine;
'Make a good hay while the sun shines!'

© Atonuje Efe