

People look up to him,
A man characterized by his unwavering integrity holds strong moral principle
His domineering presence exerts control; signifying a great leader to his people

He's an ambitious man who lives at the top but remains humble, they said
The one every father would take his pride on and the perfect man for their daughter to wed

His personality suggests the kind you're likely to encounter only once in your lifetime
That makes this rare occurrence different from the everyday discovery of a dime

He's the kind of man surrounded with many people looking up to him, including you
You who feel the frustration with all the things you do around him like a ghost
You'd spend hours hiding at the corner, watching his every move then stop as you realize it's his smiles that attracts you the most

You woke up another day, the enthusiasm growing inside your soul, ready to take the fight
You approach him, hands trembling as you take your first steps light

Your smile wide, as you stare right through his considerate sparkling eyes
He's like a fictitious character who only lives inside a fairytale we are always told;
Like the prince charming who will kiss you awake, or fits the glass slippers onto your foot
The excitement arises, your eyes full of hope as you wait for the story to unfold

But then, something changed
Your forehead creases, your eyes staring at him full of hope turned into a pool of fear
Your tears threatened to fall down
As your lips tremble, words wanting to come out and shout 'Help me! I'm here'

But nothing came out,
His smile once full of life now long gone; the prince charming turned into a villain
And the darkness in his eyes expressed the worst scorn and disdain

The beast inside him seemingly unleashed
Exposing a different person we deemed
His strongly built facade slowly crumbles right in front of my eyes then it hits me
It's the real HIM.
© @addxtedme