


We always plan a life like a wonderful painting,
But sometimes, we somehow paint a foggy landscape.
Fools will lay still like a rock and never stop complaining.
But the keen will stand up and paint over a prettier shape.

In life's grand canvas, dreams take flight, A masterpiece envisioned, colors bright. Yet sometimes, mist obscures the view, A hazy landscape, dreams askew.Fools, like statues, unmoved they stay, Complaints abound, in shadows they sway. But the wise, with purpose, rise anew, Brush in hand, a better world they pursue.They paint with courage, strokes so bold, Turning fog to gold, a story untold. Through trials and tribulations, they reshape, Crafting a life, a vision to drape.So let us not linger, in shadows of despair, For life's a canvas, a tale to declare. With every stroke, let's embrace the unknown, In the mist or the sun, we'll make our own.

© Piaa