

I live in a place

Where sisters left
School to play cards,
Gossip wearing gowns.
Brawn is better than brain.

I live in a place
Where brothers gather
To roll dice and sip beer.
Hang in high while swearing
At girls wearing long skirts.

A place where burying
A person is seen as a party.
A place where a father molest
His own child and term it as witchcraft.

I live in a casket where they'll
Murder you for your own things.
I live in a place where crooks
Smile peaceful yet we live in abundant fear.

A place that leaves a mark
If a girl breaks up with a boy
We know she won't live to tell the tale... A place where a mother's
Tears is seen as crocodile tears.

A place where poverty
Smite as with pain yet we rejoice in laughing others who are poor.
A place where dreams are
Nothing compared to having
A donkey and a cart.

I live in a place where
Church is seen as hibernation
of prostitute and tavern as
A holy nation. A place where
Youth fear pregnancy more
Than disease.

A place where if you don't
Kill you're not regarded as man
And can't get a tattoo for respect.
It is a taboo to be respected
Without blood on your hands.

By:Melvey koka(the surgical poet)
@Copyright reserved
Sonador (the dreamer)
© Melvey koka