

Bus Station Blues
Draw up the cover,
Decorate the page
Dance with your pen, across a paper stage
Etch your being, eternal essence growing older
Time is shifting colder,
Drawing you closer
Further towards the heart of it all.

Is time wasted, by doing what you love
Jaded minds struggling to feel alive
Knowing they're only one instance of time
All the urgency to live and touch the sky
If we go on forever, after we die
Why bother chasing a momentary high?

The last few moments of nothing
Are all we have in this life
An hour at the bus stop,
Or seconds in a car
Meaning finds itself in hours before moments
Beauty shows herself in time
The momentary flecks of stardust
In the ephemeral sky
Are all we have left in this life, you and I.

© Nikylus Flint