

What is passion?

Have you felt passionate about something?
Something that you really enjoy.
It is something that makes you happy.
Bringing you, relieve and joy.

I feel that I was really passionate about something, or rather someone.
I enjoyed myself just by looking at her.
The way she smiled, the way she talked.
I cherished every moment I spent with her.

One could say I was a devotee, and she was my goddess.
I served her like a slave who found solace.

The fragrance of her body, the smell of her perfume.
Everything was heaven for me.
It was a passionate romance, if only the almighty could see.

My passion for her was on another level.
I could see her when she wasn't there.
Like a mad man, I longed for her.
I could feel her when she wasn't there.
Like any devotee, I could sense her.

She was the soul that beat my heart.
I was ready to give her all, even if she wanted this earth.

Yet, my story is incomplete.
But in every part of life, I miss her.
I reached a point where everything seemed meaningless.
All except my devotion and passion for her.

© Theprofiler007