

A Love Story Whispered
The sun descends, a fiery orb of gold,
And shadows stretch, like fingers reaching out,
To claim the day, a story yet untold,
And leave the night, a kingdom of the doubt.

I yearn for depths, a labyrinthine maze,
Where your thoughts wander, winding, intricate,
A realm of dreams, where I might lose my gaze,
And find myself, in you, an intricate.

Your words, a flame, ignite a passion deep,
And I, consumed, surrender to the fire,
A love so vast, it makes my soul take leap,
A yearning heart, desires your soul's desire.

I crave a fusion, where our beings meet,
Two souls entwined, a symphony complete.

Like threads of silk, our spirits intertwine,
Each beat of heart, a rhythm we both share,
Two souls entwined, a cosmic, grand design,
A love so strong, it fills the empty air.

The shadows dance, a silent, graceful sway,
As whispers rise, and secrets softly glide,
In this embrace, where we shall forever stay,
A love eternal, a journey side by side.

With every glance, my heart begins to race,
A love so rare, a treasure I embrace,
To lose myself in you, a cherished space,
The labyrinth of your thoughts, a sacred place.

© matthewwwebster