

What was bright seems to have blurred, a lost and confused person.
I can feel this coldness of sad in my bones; it's like it's always been there.
I've looked everywhere for peace, any tiny bit of calm, yet all I can find is more sadness.
Even laughing seems far away.
It doesn't reside here anymore, yet I can still recall it,as a warmth of pleasure.
I no longer ask for wishes—from fate, God, or anything else that exists.
I'm sick of asking and sick of hearing nothing in return when I plead.
This stain of grey in me, is too deep
Now it is slowly spreading all over my body , dissolving all the colourful joys.
I tried to paint colors over the grey..but the grey, too deep, refuse to sway
But underneath, colors still hide.
Waiting for a chance to show,
Their light again, to help me grow.
© sriiii