

Angelic Beauty By My Window (Yin & Yang)
The sheet of twilight disappearing on its own
Where the air is whispering ‘rise and shine’ to the stars
Now it’s going to be the time
For my angel to come look for me
The one who has my soul in it
And my eyes on it
Just as my tear went
Brushing past my cheek
Just then the rays invaded
Through my window and clashed into my heart, sinking there
The perfect beauty represented me
The moon. She was alone, amongst the unknown stars
Just as me, among the unknown people
She came along and filled the eternal granite sky
Made my body relax at the view of her
She rises quietly and goes down quietly
Same as the very me;
But who knows, how much must have been inside of her
Who want to know how much she wants people to hear her out
It has such sparkling beauty
Which lies somewhere in between the smoky spots
Just like me, who’s striving to sparkle
But gets buried under the spots of my flaw
Whenever my angel comes
People tug themselves in and doze off
But that doesn’t makes him question to rise again the other day
She must’ve felt so pain
That rather than working late night, she takes a day off each fortnight
Just like me, as we treasure and thoroughly enjoy our solitude
Its not like me, but a me
Though everything’s dark around her
She calmly manages to smile
With millions of stars overwhelming her singularity
Yet she manages to be remembered while growing and shrinking
I have the lunar’s soul
The one who’ll listen to what she has on mind, as she does mine
I am the one who resembles my angel
Having the so dark side,
Upon which even the million stars couldn’t throw light
Having the so cold nature,
To whom even the volcanic sun couldn’t burn
I am the one whose tears of long whimpering
Were greeted by the lunar’s moonlight
I, whose, plastered smile had to be put on till
The burning globe rolled on the limitless azure sky
The sun is success; it gives everyone a new day to be like him
He dazzled alone, without millions of stars
And even giving his dazzling power to the moon to own
He sits up high, seeing everyone work under him
He's so opposite of my moon
So very opposite of me
I can never reach it. The Sun.
But however, I reached my angel, who stays within
And comes late at night to put me to sleep
I chose to be silent, calm and mysterious
Rather than be burning and enjoying by seeing mortals sweat down below.

#poem #poet #poetry #Writing #moon #sun #night #dark #strong #sky

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