

One day
One of these days
I'm going to find the time
to search the love
that I lost

The love who left me
with out peace
with out trust
with out faith

One of these days
my soul will escape
with the stars

I will forget all
I will go out
I will leave everything
like an empty sheet

I will take my conscience
I will take my soul
We will fly so free
how the wind does it
by the sky
following the clouds

One of these days
I will raise my breath
how the sun do it
every morning
where there is no suffering

One day I will go
with out my body
with out my shadows

One day all will end
will end
each experience
of my life

One day...
and will be because
I learned
that the time does not exist
that the love is not lost
that love lives always
inside me.

To learn to love
to understand love
I should start with me
I should start
first with my selftlove

Start loving myself
with out a reason
with out a motive

Start loving myself
with out conditions
to keep for ever
the real esence
of love
By. Maricris Meza
May 2nd. 2021
© MaricrisMeza