

Ambiances estivales !
Ah, summer vibes, oh how divine,
A season of warmth, a time of shine.
The sun beats down, the breeze is light,
Bringing joy to all, banishing the night.

The flowers bloom, their colors bright,
A rainbow of hues, a wondrous sight.
The birds sing sweet, their melodies,
A symphony of sound, a symphony of ease.

The days are long, the nights are short,
A time of adventure, a time of thought.
The world is alive, it's vibrant and green,
A season of wonder, a season serene.

The ocean waves crash on the shore,
A soothing sound, evermore.
The sand is hot, the water's cool,
A refuge from the summer's rule.

The stars come out, the moon is bright,
A night of magic, a night of delight.
The fireflies dance, their lights aglow,
A natural show, a wondrous sight to know.

Summer vibes, oh how we adore,
A season of love, a season of more.
More days of fun, more nights of glee,
A time of joy, a time to be free.

© Shreya R. G. Kanade