

psalm 151
I'm frustrated with You o' Lord
What did I do that was so wrong, that You're sending me down this path?
A path of stormy waters, a valley of despair, desperation
Every day I seek Your face, Your throne
Yet it feels like You've turned Your back on, and maybe even closed Your ears to me
Father, You intimately know the desires of my heart
Lord, You are well aware of the nights I cry so much, I can't even utter a word to You
You know that in a world where being ugly, sinful and unbecoming is the norm, I try to live a life acceptable to You
Yet, it feels like You've set me aside, forgot about me, and have no intention of picking me up again
I'm waning away Father, and each day feels heavier than the last
And I long for the day where I can rejoice, and be genuinely happy, content
I know such joys, cause You have gifted them unto me so many times
And despite my weary spirit Lord
I'll continue to trust You, and my faith will not waver
Because every day above ground, is an opportunity to praise You
And I'll do that till my last breath
Lord, You have been nothing but good to me
And Your mercies, I could never ever repay
For they are new, every single morning