

Big Heads
Big, round, brown-seeded faces,
spiraling out from the center,
'round and 'round.
Tightly lined up around each curve like tear-shaped dominoes.

brown-face framed with soft, fine petal licks.
thickly thatched and feather shaped.

round, brown-face.
Framed by feather shaped petals,
yellow fire-licks,
thickly thatched 'round and 'round...and it looks like the Sun.
If the Sun where a flower....

The blossom is VERY heavy.

The sunflowers in the back yard are 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 feet tall,
and the stalks are thick
bright green and growing fine rigid silver fur-hairs all up and down it.
The big flower lion faces cast cool shadows all over, and if the wind blows, the flowers bob their giant heads in unanimously united agreement....
"Yes," they nod solemnly, " Yes, it is windy, and if we aren't careful our big damn heads will snap right off, and then where will we be? Headless, that's where!!".
The concern they all were experiencing was well founded, and anyone with a head of their own could easily sympathize with fear, of the danger that loomed over the looming, giant, sunflower heads every windy day in late summer.
I stood very straight
and tall
and still
in the middle of the sunflower garden, looking up
at the flowers looking down
at me.
I didn't move anything except for my neck and my head.
My shoulders, arms and legs
I kept stalk-still. After a while, I decided I could softly let my hands flow this way and that,
as if they were leaves.
I wanted the great big flowers to accept me as one of their own.
If they did,
if they ever did,
they would drop their organic facade and let reveil their voices and words and secrets. They would put aside the safety net of human ignorance to let slip where and what lay under their rich, black soil,
and silly roots.
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