

My Heart Journeys Home(To You)
A shoulder to weep on, a heart that can hear
A gentle embrace to calm my deepest fear
In tears, I search for solace and peace
A comforting presence to soothe my soul's release

My heart aches, but who do I lean on?
The shadows around me, they whisper 'you're alone'
But still, I hold on to the hope in my chest
That someday, someone will be my safe haven, my rest

Maybe if love had found its way to me
Maybe I wouldn't be so lonely
Maybe I'd know what it means to be free
From this hollow echo that haunts me

Who's knocking on the door of my heart?
Pain, is that you? Come to tear me apart?
Or maybe it's love, with a gentle hand
Trying to heal the scars, that you left in this land

Maybe I was born to dwell in agony
But is this really who I am? A loner?
Or is it just a chapter, a phase of my story
A test of my strength, before I discover my glory

All I need and crave for is you, my safe haven
But you're just a figment of my imagination
A dream I cling to, a hope I hold tight
A bittersweet reminder of love's elusive light

One day I will wake up in your arms, my safe haven
I will never let you go, YOU ARE MINE YOU BELONG ONLY TO ME
In your eyes, my heart finds a home
Forever with you, is where I belong

In the depths of my soul, you'll forever stay
A flame that burns bright, guiding me through the gray
And when the darkness fades, and the light shines through
I'll find my way to you, my safe haven, my forever true

© Promise Okon