

A Fate in School
All I have to do is close my eyes
Then I can see yours looking at mine
Be it inside a crowded classroom from your seat
On the 7th bleacher of the gymnasium
Or just a yard beside where I am
A lot of things can happen within a school aside from academics
Could be bullying,cheating,playing and so on
But one thing that hit me so hard is falling
In love
With you
I clearly know this is not simply an infatuation
I cry for you quietly at some nights
I ache for you to pull me in your arms
I imagine spending my 60th birthday with you
I find myself praying to God asking Him to give you to me
Every day since I resurfaced what my true feelings are for you
After a long time of suppression and repression againts my self-honesty
I get unable to live without a single thought of you
It is you that I have in my mind first thing in the morning
At the evening it is you that is the last thing that runs through my head
When I play the songs it is your name which they sing to me
I cannot keep myself from you
I just hope unloving you is as easy as the ABCs and 123s in school
I wish I can defy your gravitational pull
Or perhaps got the same pole of the magnet like yours