

Just words of broken girl
My tears are my meat, my brokenness my nutrition, it flows through my veins, cruising through my blood like a boat cruising on the open ocean.
Pain is my belt, everyday without a break
My body hurts from each whip, I rocked myself to sleep hoping to put the pain to rest but only my eyes sleep but everything else awake.
I'm tired, just need to rest.
My chest tightens at the thought of being laid to rest because I couldn't take it no more, so I breathe and breathe at the ticking of the clock hoping for a new dawn but my tears just fall like rain, flooding my soul with emptiness.
Broken shadow, lurks over me, mocking me at each step as it lingering bitter taste wipes my smile, now all I have to give is frown.
Just sad, a once vibrant girl, once filled with life now is an empty, broken soul labeled a woman

#broken #brokenheart #heartbreak #illneverbethesame #emptiness #brokensoul #WritcoQuote #writcoapp #poem #writcopoem
© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️