

A Dreamy Child
I'm a child, dream of becoming a future luminousness
I'm lack of opportunity, powerless and nationless
Made me live in tent, stagnated the path of success
I've my own prowess to be prosperous
But I'm not hopeless and brainless.

I've the endowment to be triumphant,
Like omnivores have energy to eat
Utterly both animals and plants.
Endowment is like a bough , shady plant,
Which'll defend you from flagrant sunlight and tempest.

Each bird finds nest during extreme rain and nestle
But I seek terrific education to be skillful and influential
During the devastation,struggling to be on productive trail
The seed of a dream is a seed of great potential
To bring it to life, gallantry and exertion become essential.

I intensely wanna be the sunshine and gleam
Though I'm in excruciating pain, wanna be a beam
I'm not wrong who do conceive and deem
I'll genuinely chase success and my dream
My ultimate dream is the success, merely a dream.

© Mohammed Hamim @ J. Kyaw Than Naing