

In the realm of existence,Far and wide, Complexity unfolds a mystifying tide.
From the stars that shimmer in the velvet sky,To the smallest atoms,hidden from the naked eye.
From the swelling oceans vast and deep,To the towering mountains and the secrets they keep.
Life's diverse wonders in forms profound, Unveiling mysteries yet to be found.
From birth to death,Our journey unfolds,With circle's of joy,and sorrows squared cold.
Each moment shaped by nature's intricate guide.
In this cosmic lava ,We beautifully reside.
From the complexity of time's relentless flow,
To the harmony if season's that come and go.
In the symphony of life every note had it's role.
A tapestry woven into every soul,
So as we seek to comprehend the grand design.
Through science, philosophy and thoughts refined.
Remember,all answers may not be defined,
But the beauty lies in the question intertwined.