

The days were unending as were the nights,
She waited and waited and waited,
But there seemed no hope in sight…
Her tears filled her pillow, her eyes now swollen; told the tales of her sorrow, no hope for tomorrow. Her heart has sunken from despair...you leaving was her only fear. Don't make it come true, don't let her go through the pain please don't let her heart endure the storms of this rain. For see she can't take it, the pressure is way too much, her head now throbs, her heart now bleeds, it no longer pumps the blood as it should, it no longer feels whole, clinging desperately to a hope that your love for her will surpass your disappointment. She desperately needs YOU, she irrevocably love YOU this life is nothing without YOU. Just turn back this once look back at the journey you've had from the moment your eyes met each other's, from the first moment your fingers intertwined, you braved this horrendous time and you're still surviving.... she's only made it thus far because she has you please just think back relive every moment and if you feel nothing more for her you can go but if you still feel the same you did all those months ago don't let her wait anymore and bring back the hope she so desperately needs.
© Alloy Miller