

The pain of being lonely by herself
Rolling and stretching on the couch, bed and sits of all sort.

Birthing a passionate, tender heart of strong love.
She stays late in the night,
Thinking and imagining his sweet smiles and unending smell of roses running through his veins.

Oh what a sweet thought she's got.
It's a pity that distance is'nt the problem
But the heart that isn't joined and bound together in love.

Laying her heart for a stranger who she barely know makes him ponder on what has become of his happiness lately.

But then.... he knew he wouldn't have been a happy soul without her.
He skips his weekly therapy for her
She skips her breakfast, lunch and dinner

All to balance the thought that runs through her heart.
She stoopped lower than her height
Ensuring she gives her warm embrace

She could be annoying
He could be a jerk and her stress
But he's become her pills
And she's become his body spray

Hoping to be back;
Better and stronger than they used to be
Two bounded souls joined in love and happy moment of graced rhythm of synonymous love.

Thank God she said YES to him when he needed it most
Thank God he accepted her beauty.


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