Hotel,motel,livin life in a slow hell,I told no-one,so no-one will tell,I've slipped from the grips...of reality. I have fell..... my happiness is all imaginary nothing but a fallacy. Fuck a bunch of ordinary. Damn!! I don't know who I am.and I don't know how too face the truth .how could you ??? Get ur kid addicted and strip him of his youth..???? mother left again and again leaving her son alone on his own 13 years old...but grown and has known not to intend, ever having emotion or a real friend... Resilient,brilliant,and full of potential. Lack of human with whom he would interact. or even talk too
I was in tact until in fact the day mother introduced the
use of coke and crack. Wtf? Fuck love,fuck I need a
drug to give me encouragements and a hug. I needed
a teacher,maybe a preacher,life never got easier.just
meaner..where are my boundaries what is this I don't
get it how is addiction surrounding and drowning all
I can wanted to be... Wow now how do I get free...
Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhahhhahhhhhahan!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone
please help me... I'm compelled to tell bout my
discomfort submerged Obscurred and twisted an
dwelled by my own hell how I felt when I looked within for confession to sin in the end I win .because I yes it is I who is steady and ready to fly high till i die... Sigh... I know when I try to defy my life of strife and living wrong not right.... Goodnight and good
© Christopher george