

Whispers of Tranquility: "The Beauty of Darkness"
In the shroud of night, a gentle embrace,
Darkness, not evil, but a soothing grace.
Contrary to tales that oft misconstrue,
It's in the shadows where serenity's true.

For in the quiet of the moon's soft glow,
A restless heart finds solace in the unknown.
The world quiets down, its chaos takes leave,
In darkness, a respite the girl does receive.

Stars twinkle like secrets in the endless skies,
Whispering stories to closed and dreaming eyes.
The night, a canvas for dreams to unfurl,
In its soft, deep embrace, the girl finds her pearl.

No judgment, no fear, just calm and release,
In darkness, her soul finds a lasting peace.
The darkness, it's not evil, as some might believe,
But a tranquil refuge where solace she'll achieve.
© Airaa