

I was roaming the shoreline listening to fresh water foaming
My eyes were pointed down but in my defence, I was beach-combing
The sun, it glistened, causing the corner of my quite keen right eye
To catch an orange flash— my heart raced— I walked over on a high

Was it exquisite treasure that caught my keen right eye's greenish gaze?
Was I about to feel stupefied— to feel dumbfounding amaze?
As it turns out, what I did spy, was the corps of a butterfly
A deceased monarch— tears rolled down my cheek, due to the sun— no lie

I dug a small hole passably close to the effervescent shoal
I prayed for godspeed, genuinely— as one does for a lost soul
As I lifted the butterfly to lay it in its resting spot
I was greeted with a pleasant surprise— the treasure I had sought

Was marking the beach glass the butterfly's parting gift to this realm?
Why did it choose that pale blue glass— why not a hag stone or the elm?
Was I sent to that beach on that day— if so, why me and by who?
Would you have just left the butterfly if it were right-eyed by you?

#beachcombing #treasuresoflife #rhyme #butterfly
© danie_af