

In My Mind's Eye
My mind is no longer my own
It belongs to a stranger
Who lives in the dark of my abode
And lurks around like death's messenger

I see him everyday
Whispering false tales of deceit
Playing his part in our play
And dancing at the end of each act to his seat

My mind is now a menagerie
For it craves anarchy
And with such audacity
That I can blame only on my self rivalry

The stranger stalks my mind's every corner
He sabotages my every thought
His victory draws nigh
With every fleeting thought

But this war
Is not one I can let him triumph over
Because it is my final turning point
Towards the two doors

Only one door is mine to walk through
One door of light
And one door of darkness
Now, I bid my stranger farewell
For I have picked the former

I see him scamper into the darkness
I see him gnash his teeth
In scornful remarks of his own failure
I feel his departure freeing my chained soul
As I dance victoriously to my seat
As I rest in the now quiet bliss of my soul.

© Omega O.