

shadow of love
In shadows cast by a love's demise,
A mournful tale of whispered sighs,
Where once bloomed flowers, vibrant and bright,
Now wilted petals fade from sight.

The ache of loss, a haunting refrain,
Etched upon the soul, an eternal stain,
Promises made, like whispers in the wind,
Echo as sorrow, forever chagrined.

Every touch, every kiss, now but a ghost,
A cherished memory, the one I miss most,
Tender caresses, severed and torn,
Leaving behind scars, eternally worn.

The world feels colder, void of light,
In depths of sorrow, I wander at night,
Love's demise, a piercing sting,
Leaving remnants of joy, a distant thing.

I stand alone, words unsaid, emotions untold,
A tale of love that cannot unfold,
Regrets, like ghostly cries, hauntingly persist,
As tearful eyes bid farewell, love's tryst.

The echoes fade, memories wane,
Like autumn leaves on windswept lane,
Yet, in the depths of my heart's despair,
you still lingers still, a silent prayer.
© c.wright