

Those moments........!

(Those moments of my life)

The time where without saying anything you could hear my every talk.
The eye contacts, were l used to feel the love(which had the infinite depth)
And those dancing feets in the backyard. (still reminds me when for the first time l asked you, "how l look "and you said, "you look perfect everytime".)

The dreams to see the future with you.
The arms whenever you had opend to protect me. (l had saw angel in you)
And those snow fights are the best memories of my life. (the love which l wished to live by)

The hopes in your eyes,
The strong bond between us,
The madness of waiting,
And the leads we followed were all beautiful and sweet.

In those little time we had lived alot of memories. Which are the beautiful clouds of my sky.

( The sour and sweet love wished for)

© Thorat