

Take a simple, deep breath and then, count backwards, slowly, from ten, to one and as you, exhale, at the same time, just let your mind, go blank and let everything, that is in, your world, simply disappear, as you then, read further, to these words, that are on, this page, telling you, of a love, that is yours, by simply, opening up, with your heart, for as you do, your soul and your spirit, will take flight, as your body, relaxes, to be at peace, for in your mind, you now will see, a love, an hear love, an know love, for the very one, that has feelings, for you, as well, who wants you, in their life and the very one, that wrote you this and wants, all the best, for you, to feel everything, in their heart and know, this is true love, with also, all these passions and desires, are held, for you, to express, how you feel and what matters most, to you, to understand, in needing, in wanting and loving, that is deeply caressed, exploring, all your hidden desires and fantasies, for you, to be apart, of each other, knowing you have, the one, of your dreams.

So now, let the real you, come out and let, the very one, that you love, know, just how you feel and how, in everything, that you are, is in their life, always and forever and to be open, to all the possibilities, that love, through your lives, shows you, taking one last breath and letting go, being the new you, for all time.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs