

Real to me, But a facade to her

All those lonely nights:
I held you closed,
Just meant nothing to you?,
I held you by my side;
and told
you that you're mine,
I had hope;
that we'd shine,

All those nights on the train tracks;
watching the stars,
now I just want my time back,
that breakup was so hard ;

cause I really fell for you,
I stayed loyal and stayed true ;
but you didn't feel that too,

I'm so broken,
my eyes are finally open,
my feelings need to be closed in;
I can't believe you're who I put my hope in


broke my trust,
took my love;
and said we're done ,
I'm numb ;
and I still love you ,

it was all a mask ;
a facade ,
you're love was never there,
where was it at? ,
when was it gone? ,
why did you lie and said you cared?,
I can't take you back..
you played me like a fool
I gave you love
it just isn't fair ,

© MattTheOneAndOnly