

The Dream
How I love and abhor
This dream, which when I fall asleep
Takes from me an emotion
Of joy and exultation.

I am delighted when I see you
In a white silk dress
Majestic, you throw yourself into it
Tempering a distraught soul.

You come to my side in joy
Talk to me, rock me, seduce me
Lay a fierce kiss on my mouth
A fierce kiss.

You shake me, I open my eyes
You lift me from this wonderful
Dream, reach out to me
To dance to a sweet refrain.

I take you by the slender waist,
Spin around your abandoned body
To my heat in vehemence
And in enjoyment.

Your hair flies away,
Your legs swing
So hard you embrace me,
Screams with happiness and kisses me.

In this sphere of joy,
I wake up in sadness
For this fairy vision ends
I abominate it.

© Moulay Cherif Chebihi Hassani