

Jebus the last Jedi sabatoothlyger
I say I see but can't do my wheels don't turn is slippery like ice digging deep like quicksand harden like mud only if I follow run from the borrow because sorrow is somewhere hiding with misery want some company but I got a rope when some change and I got a whole bunch of companies krumping me stumping me never I am the last Jedi Jesus disciple saber-tooth liger I ate the tiger did the line to my kids and now we are brave because I picked up my cross follow Jesus wake up Jesus in the midday Jesus in the evening Jesus at night Jesus and my subconscious Jesus hallowed be thy name hallelujah ww.w #JD if only we took time to ask yourself what would the Messiah do put down your sword pick up a shield use the right word heal another person seal feel all full of fields for empty wheels meaning of burrow underground high like ostrich highlight eagles that's where my ego that's where my ego flows and sores egotistic ristic pick stick let go of my LA cat I'm so so so sick and tired of being sick and tired so I'm down on my knees hand-raised may the Lord bless who will he's a mitt cuz we cannot do anything if you don't submit shala
© who knew I knew Jesus is true hallowed be thy name hallelujah name