

I am the roaring wind of the forest whose whispers are heard among the silent trees.
I travel to distant shores and tickle the ocean at its home.
I am the lady love of thunder who ignites the sky to make me wonder.
I swim across the distant lands and kiss the foreheads of the tallest mountains.
I rush through the gaping valleys and echo the wordless chords aloud.
Once there, I met a little soon-to-bloom flower pushing hard through its coat.
Another window I banged opened and made the curtains fly astray.
There I met silky strands and caught their owner blushing hard.
The pages fluttered on her desk, and her story went on.
All the lushes I have touched dance away the stress they hold.
Unlike my cousin Breeze, I do not hold the melancholy within.
I stir open your heart; I make you sing with devotion.
I am the force of freedom.
I am the daughter of Mother Nature.
You cannot oppose me.
You can only love me.
Dance with me in the verdant valleys and fall in love with yourself again.
Next time you pass me by, do not be afraid of me; that's all I want to imply.
I am not a foreign entity.
I am here as your sibling's identity.
I am very much integrated with nature, just like water is with the ocean.
This time, when you hear nature whispering,
Whisper back to me.
Tell me you know it is me,
Tell me you are not afraid of me.
Let me tug your hair a little,
Let me flutter your dress hither and thither.
Let your forehead be the one my lips touch.
Let me be the one you love.
 #WhisperingNature # healing_nature
@ Dani7762

© Aura