

A short read
In shadows deep, the darkness creeps,
A haunting tale that never sleeps.
Whispers echo through the night,
An eerie dance of ghostly fright.

The creaking floorboards, a chilling breeze,
Send shivers down the spine with ease.
Ghastly specters, ethereal glare,
Their haunting gaze, an icy stare.

A phantom hand, a spectral touch,
Leaving echoes of dread, a feeling so much.
Amidst the silence, a blood-curdling scream,
A nightmare's realm, where horrors teem.

The moonlight fades, the midnight hour,
Unleashing terrors with twisted power.
In this realm of macabre lore,
Fear takes hold, forevermore.

Line by line, this poem takes shape,
In haunting words, the fear escapes.
But rest assured, it's just a tale,
A chilling thrill to make skin pale.

So read with caution, dare to delve,
Into the shadows, where nightmares dwell.
For in this world of shadows deep,
A horror poem's secrets we shall keep.
© Dora24