

She exists.

The girl with feelings that she doesn't show,
She is the girl whose name you don't know.

She faces her fears proudly,
She fights her demons once in awhile,
She won't let you know that she is fighting,
Undaunted,she stands with her smile.

She is broken but you won't know,
She has her secrets that she keeps,
She has scars all over,inside and outside,
Yet she is as pretty and as pure as she speaks.

She has her heart broken
But she doesn't fear to love,
Standing with her bright brown eyes
She is the symbol of hope for anyone giving up.

She has walls and garden built
Where she doesn't let anybody in,
She has her own heaven and hell,
But she doesn't fear the break in.

With her honour and pride she walks,
And with her befitting smile,
I just hope somebody could see for once and realise,
A strong person also needs help,once in awhile.

Yes,she exists.
I hope somebody could see her.