

Detective Pink Panther
17 Aug 2024 at 8:53AM

I slink around in pink pajamas,
My extraordinaire gumshoes make no noise.
My whiskers twitch, my ears perk up,
I'm on the case with a "Pinktastic" eye.

I sniff and prowl with a sassy stride,
Trail of clues, where the villain’s hiding.
My trusty sidekick, a delicious baguette,
Together we'll solve this dastardly crime.

The suspect sneers, with a wicked grin,
But I'm hot on his heels, like Pink Panther in my heart.
I follow the trail of so shiny breadcrumbs,
Leading me to the culprit in the dead of night.

With a wink and wiggle, I expose the thief,
The stolen treasure's recovered, and everyone’s relieved.
I dance a little with a "Pinktastic" spin,
Detective Pink Panther wins the case again!
© 🐝RuthHor