

Heaven Says My Name Wrong
I've been sleeping for years.
Laid spread out at your doorstep like a runaway dog
–chasing dreams to shake things up.
See, I can hear the lies you're telling me, I feed.
I've been licking cigarette buds up off the ground
–swallowing everything that scrapes the surface of my tongue.
Father God, forgive me.
I'm walking circles around my own casket.
I've been blocking your exit, telling you to just step over me, but you won't.
Instead, you pull out a knife and peel my skin like a potato, purifying me of any sin.
Come crashing into glass waters below
–fur melts off, acid baths rot my bones, you film.
I feast with my ears in Satan's hand, I sold my soul for just one good lie from you to eat.
See, I can't hear the lies you're telling me.
Mother Mary, am I still righteous in your eyes?
I've been barking at leaves falling and babies first steps.
You still send man's best friend away, don't you fear you will insite revolution?
Freedom Satan, am I welcome in your arms?
My mouth is dry, empty without anything so satiate a thousand year old craving.

To the Holy One, forget me.

© Junemousonae