

Jesus is more than your needs
Book entitled
The vision, the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title: Jesus is more than your needs

Dear brothers and sisters,once again I greet you in the name of the living Saviour of the world "Jesus the Christ",may the holy light of the living God shine upon you.

Brethren,i don't like to write down the healing words anywhere,for I am that person who love attention,but the spirit of the living God just knocked and I recognized it...this is the "Living Spirit" which often deliver the good news from high above.

The spirit of the living God sent me to encourage you all...stop crying for you have got everything you need.

Jesus is more than your needs,therefore allow the "Living Spirit" to dry your tears.

Your heart is troubled that you don't even have a tyre of a car,but be glad that I see Christ in your midst.

There's no peace unto your family but the Lord whom you follow is a Prince of peace... allow the spirit of the living God to take away your heart from those troubles because they bring nothing but anger,and remember that when your heart is troubled He who guides (Holy Spirit) doesn't dwell in your heart.

Clap your hands for joy because you have the One whom the money can't buy "Jesus the living truth".

Rich or poor,glad or sad,good or bad times Jehovah is to be praised and worshipped through Christ the Lamb of God.

Having the Son of God in your life,means a lot.

I wrote to those Christians who struggle a lot to put the food on the table, Christ is within you,so don't be sad for not having the silver and the gold of this cruel world.

I also wrote to those humble riches,keep bending your knees before the Lord your Saviour for it is clear that your humbleness says that your blessings come from the God who created all things visible and invisible... don't hesitate to stretch your hands and give the poors of the living God for some of them are angels,and you will never know which one is angel because if you could,you would judge many of them.

Christ loves you,and He cares about you.
He is the One who sent me to wipe your tears and replace the joy which the evil have stolen from you.

I don't like to repeat but allow me to say it again "Jesus loves you so much and He is proud of your efforts on the spiritual path"...Be blessed and don't forget to bless others in Jesus Name.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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