

I want so bad to trust myself
To say "I can do this"
And believe it
But I'm hopelessly hopeless
Trapped in a body so broken
With a mind that can't focus
I'd give anything to sit still
Concentrate on the sound of locus
Listen to the wings sing songs so shrill
Pretend we can just be us
Like happiness can be real

I'm hopeless
In all manner
Like love
Scratch my head and find dander
Piling up with each word you say
Say it's real and pander
Lies for the fool
Deceive me with illusions of grandeur
Let me live make-believe
Trick me with splendor
I'd cherish fib if you spent time to talk to me
Wagging my tail ever the pretender

I know my place
I dare not dream
I take with grace
Swallow scheme
To my face
Lie so keen

Give me hope, for I am at deficit
I can't trick myself, but I'm such a fool for you
Please don't tell me the truth I already know
Let me cuddle with desperation like seed in soil
See what may grow

© Artemis' Arrow