

the abyss parts 1 and 2

Man is like a scourge
And man is like a plague
And man is so forgetful
Of his crimes in bloody rage

Down into the chasm
He enlarged his grand affairs
Into a liquid potion
Drinking off his wares

Has god forgotten too
To be gracious should be divine
And this good book empty pages
To the brain that's rich and fine

Has god forsook environments
With pestilence prolonged
Or gravity expertly knows
A god as maimed as wronged

And away the gain is forgotten
While the cherished die in pits
All constant as a star
Scaring me from house and wits

Coming on the spring
Like a mighty weapon comes
To the sound of birds a singing
And the beating drums.


I saw this great abyss
And it looked back at me
I followed where the animals
Sighed underneath a sea

I think the world is precious
Like a mine of purest gold
And the tales bewitching me
I'm enchanted as they're told

The key to every space
Is just to meet with great success
And a meal or two digested
For our profit and our stress

I eat from my own table
Like an ogre devours his food
I do not mate with anyone
For my constant bitter mood

I've learned to be resentful
As the gull resents the beach
After gross pollution gathers
Like a quagmire out of reach

They curse the sands that wetted
Give a colour of dismay
And I blink in the sunlight
To shut out the dismal day

And a murder echoes through
This awesome wasteland like a bird
Which muddied in his feathers
Gives a song but never word.
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