

Sleepless Nights
Mind running wild,
Day and night,
No choice but to stay up,
Late nights,
Early mornings,
"I'm just tired" I say,
"Why? You sleep so long" they reply,
But they don't know,
They don't see the nights,
They don't see the nightmares,
They don't hear the screams,
They don't see the images of death when I close my eyes,
Because I see the possiblities of hurt so often.
So I don't,
I don't sleep longer than 4 hours at a time,
If I do I'm still tired because of the dreams,
I don't spend long without music or a book,
If I did my mind would start running wild with hurt and death again,
If I sleep I see the images and cry,
So my mind runs wild,
With no sleep,
And no choice
© The Scarlett poet