

Life's Evolution..
Life is so crazy. You go from a child, to an adolescent, to a teen, a young adult, by 25 you're supposed to be a full-fledged adult, then by 50 you're a matured adult, then in your 60 you're a senior adult. Through every morph we go through to becoming an adult one would think we would be able to change some things that we don't like about ourselves without it offending someone else. You know that one learned behavior that we started when we were just a child, like being the family doormat, the one that was labeled something that they never was because they took a little bit longer to want to entertain any kind of romance in their young preteen life, the one that was always perfect to the other kids even though that parent was never around, or the one that was just misunderstood and that is why they did what they did and why they fought with addiction.

Life can be one very cruel joke for some. Especially, when they are speaking up for themselves finally and no one is willing to listen. When no one is willing to accept the changes that they have been going through and they just want someone to tell them don't worry we all go through them too. To know that there is at least one person out there rooting for you and the difficult changes that life is choosing for you. Sure, you had your part in the road you traveled to get to these changes but that shouldn't mean that everyone screams "abandon ship".

Taking the road least traveled taught you lessons you would have never learned had you follow the rest of the clan. Some of those lessons left you feeling empowered and free, while others have kept you cage up and afraid to break free because part of those lessons you lost who you were and you lost everybody who meant anything to you. So now you sit in this new found cage, holding the key, to a new you and a new life. Afraid to use it because you were the one that they called "doormat" and if you continue to speak up and to defend yourself you feel like you will have no one else not even yourself.
© Rhonda Broker