

Reality of Reflection
The absurdity of life abounds
Irony permeates my pores
Inevitability haunts me
Futility my closest friend

Some dark corner of my mind
Remembence has no hold
Dreams once my friend
Shattered by realities abstract yet real

I did not choose this insanity
Yet it was foisted upon me
In all it's glorious inevitability
I succumb too it all

To much I think
And think to much I do
The path I chose was winding
How about you

It's came and went
Tears from smiles
Year after year
Unrealised but constant
Release was what I sought

In the final play
I cast myself aside
The whims of youth
Yeild to the banality
Of the truths that creep
the thief in the night

A concept I've yet to grasp
Who we're we to say
Is there a better way..... Perhaps
