

Love Between the Pages
Turn every page till you reach the end,
Read every word before you press 'send'

Turn every page till you reach the end,
In every chapter, a message to send.
Read every word before you press 'send,'
For in the pages of life, love transcends.

Each page, a story, a tale to unfold,
In the ink of experience, our stories are told.
With every turn, a lesson to learn,
In the pages of life, let wisdom burn.

Turn every page, let curiosity guide,
Through the highs and lows, let your spirit ride.
Read every word, let empathy bloom,
In the book of humanity, let love consume.

Before you press 'send,' think of the heart,
The impact of words, a powerful art.
Choose them with care, like seeds in the wind,
For in the book of connection, compassion rescinds.

So turn every page till you reach the end,
Read every word before you press 'send.'
In the story of life, let kindness be your trend,
And in the pages of time, may love never suspend.

© Logan Saltsman