

What is it
That the mind perceives
But the heart it already knows
Her vulnerabilities
Venerably safe with me
We are inked in Destiny
And will always find each other
Across every timeline
And every multi-universe
My pneuma holds her
Even when our arms cannot
The ethereally tangible
I feel it
And it is real
Quantum entanglement
Is god separate from science
Love being all-powerful
I love her across space-time
Interstellar platonic solids
The intangible
Expressed tangibly
And gloriously realised
You know it
But have yet to realise why
I have
And it’s confusing
I am lost in this knowledge
How to share this
With a damaged mind
And a broken heart
Storm clouds and volcanos
Not a great way to live
But it is all connected
Perfect symmetry
I cannot unlove her
Why would I
Love is not measurable
Or adjustable
To love is to love
It is not a romance novel
Nor a light switch
It’s a game that we play
Dishwater politics
Dirt everywhere
Love corrupted
And only we pay the price

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
Image courtesy of: @Pinterest

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