

Innocence Entity
I haven't written publicly in a long time.
it seems a lot has changed..Maybe I come off as shy? But i can't get rid of the shine. Sometimes being the light makes you want too run and hide. All eyes are on you. Your light reveals the truth in them all.( It hurts to see) your light unknowingly makes them feel small. Your light makes them uncomfortable because they cant hide there sin. Im sorry i dont mean too.. i didnt make myself a light within. This Is Gods work. Im created this way. Sorry if you dont like what I say. Im just a innocent pure soul. Love hurts them they say... But... I tried so hard to put this light away. Every since I was little. But i cant. I.. cant keep tying to die my light out because it burns your sin..And over the light,darkness cant win. But I'll always be a gentle friend. You can be a light to by a single kiss or if you take my Hand. But because i hurt you by being 100% me, They mistaken me and try to kill me. But everytime they get to close, this fire burns them..Im sorryy. But I Am who I am... and God created me this way for a reason... When you try to kill something innocent, You wind up hurting yourself really bad. It can get really sad. I tried to hide but god said you cant put a cover on a light exspecting it to die. I am Trinity. God Is with me eternally. In true love. Trinity only wants to give and share that love so you too can see what its like to mentally be in heaven above. Yeah everyone gives up but.. If my friends keep going, they'll see why it was trully worth It. You dont have to be perfect.
She never
would want to hurt a soul. But If someone intentionally stabbs her ,she does nothing and they get stabbed first. It is how the essence and life of a pure entity Is. She would never want to hurt anyone. But she is the Sun. With God she is one. There are many more like her.
simply just being , but is the one doing all the damage at work places schools and unfamiliar faces. This Is what It Is like being the light In a dark world. Your not one of them.Your the crazy girl.Lets bully and stump her out.
But everytime, they get hurt without a doubt. God Is everywhere. Be careful with trying to hurt any innocence soul.
They are really close to God.
And Gods feary side may be there worst experience.
Omg. I went on n on. ill soon get into my flow. not for fame or a show but my poetry needs a little bit of icecream..heheehhee😉😊😊🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦🍦Then we'll see how things may seem.