

Before I Was Born
Trapped and tied up in a body tired and torn,
Worries wrapping till they're impossible to ignore...
Didn't I cease to exist before I was born?
What's wrong if I wish to disappear once more?

Weaving strings knotted with loss and sadness,
I must fight my own weakness...

Tethering my thoughts so morbid, they mustn't leak,
I'm happy, I'm happy, that's all I seek,
I'm okay, I'm okay, so why does life seem so bleak?

Pretty lies and pretendence convince everyone but me,
Of a world entwined with emotions perfectly happy,
Why am I the only one who can see through my own trickery?

Strands of sickening scars entangle in ropes of shame,
They strangle, I don't struggle, aren't I to blame?
If I don't help myself, why would anyone do the same?

Binding around in wisps of worthlessness,
I won't fight my own hopelessness...

Suffocating in a soul destined to weep and mourn,
Choked up with breaths I wish wouldn't exist anymore...
Didn't I cease to exist before I was born?
What's wrong if I wish to disappear once more?
© Alter Ego