


I wished I would hold you in my arms,
Feel the warmth of you in them,
Watch you grow, alter mamaa as your first word,
Feel everything and enjoy what life presents with you in it.
Can I tell you something,
At some point I was scared of bringing you into this world,
That I wouldn't be the best mum,
Daddy was scared too that we couldn't give you the royal lifestyle we wanted you to have.
But one thing I was sure about, I wanted you to be part of our journey.
Not mentioning the morning sicknesses,
The uncontrolled feelings of your presence,
Yeah, it was too much but it was worth it,
Feel you grow,
Watch my body change,
Little did I know that all this was your life fully lived at ninety seven days.
At times I questioned God,
At times I blamed myself,
At times I blamed you and questioned why couldn't you fight harder?
Life felt bitter sweet with you.
Wherever you are,
I want you to know mama loved you,

© Olive shiku