

What would you do ?
Please note: This poem contains themes of violence that maybe upsetting to some readers.

Visceral screams
Stomped under this bloodshed.
You heard it too , didn't you ?

Will this guilt eat you alive?
Haunt your conscience day and night ?
I suppose we will know
It is one or the other then .

Spill out what they are hiding
Silenced by their blade
Keep mum to what they are hiding
Preyed by your own shade.

An art of Blood , an unmarked letter
Ink is Blood .
No quill nor pen, just bones
When will you let us know ?

When this river of blood has stopped flowing
Stuck in that time of pain ,
Is that when you will step out
And let us know ?

Maybe each of your eye were stained with this bloodshed,
Blinded by fear , can't let anyone know
This silence has cost them life,
Life of one , life of many .

Tell us now the truth ,
If you could go back past ,
What would you do ?

© Sleepy bear is wide asleep