

In that dream, you were a celestial light, sparkling and radiant,
A guiding star that shone with brilliance, so resplendent.
Your smile, a balm that banished all my sorrows,
Transporting me to a realm where pain had no tomorrows.

If I were asked to describe that dream so fair,
I'd say it was you, for you were everywhere.
A luminous presence, a vision so true,
In that dream, my dear, it was only you.

A blinding light enveloped my sight,
Yet, when I opened my eyes, what a wondrous sight!
It was you, standing there, so divine,
A miracle in that dream, a moment so fine.

I had a dream......
From a nightmare to a tranquil oasis,
You transformed my dream with your gentle graces.
I wondered if you were an angel or human,
For in that dream, you brought solace and freedom.

I had dream....
Oh, how I long for that dream to come alive,
Where our souls intertwine and dreams survive.
In that realm, where hopes and fantasies unfurl,
I yearn for that dream to become our world.

© khan-writes